
You're Doing Landing Pages Wrong. It's Killing Conversions. Here's How to Fix It.

Discover data-backed ways to make the most of your landing pages to score maximum conversion rates every time

Craig Barber

Senior Product Designer

Designing landing pages may seem like a daunting task.

There so much advice out there.

In this post I'm covering 3 data-backed truths that are killing conversion rates on landing pages.

At first they may seem counterintuitive, but the data is there.

Make these changes to your landing page and watch your conversions lift.

Let's dive in!

1. Ditch the video

Landing pages

Unbounce did a deep dive into 35,000 landing pages.

They tested background videos, featured videos, all sorts of videos.

And guess what!?

Landing pages with video got considerably less conversions then landing pages with text and image.

Yup, that's right. Videos don’t increase conversions.

It’s a myth.

Use images and copy only on your landing page for the win.

Video study

2. Focus on copy, not design

Landing pages

Copy is more important than design.

36,928 landing pages were tested by Unbounce for design versus copy.

They found that copy has twice the impact on landing page conversion rates versus design.

90% of your efforts should be spent crafting amazing copy for your landing pages!

Spend 10% of your time on design.

Copy vs design study

3. Using people? Make sure they're facing you

Landing pages

If you're using images of people on your landing page, make sure they're facing you.

Studies have revealed images of people looking directly at the camera increases engagement on landing pages.

In contradiction to this, images of people looking off screen direct users attention away from your main call to action and decrease conversions and engagement.

In summary

So there you have it, 3 ways people are doing landing pages wrong and how to fix it.

Remember, ditch the video. Have an image instead. Focus on making your copy really strong. It's the most important over design.

And if you're using images of people, which you should be, make sure they are facing you with their eyes wide open!

If you liked this post I have a much more indepth read with way more examples of stuff likle this to get more conversions, check out my new book here called Crazy Conversions.

Crazy Conversions landing page playbook

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Crazy Conversions landing page playbook

Showcase your work with a stunning portfolio template

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